Learning and Development

International Workplace has over 21 years’ experience focused on the original aim to demystify: helping people understand complex information by explaining it in plain English, giving them power to make informed decisions about their own lives and careers.

Helping people learn and develop remains at the heart of our focus both in the UK and Internationally.  We work with companies to strengthen their business by enabling their employees to achieve their full potential and ensuring ROI.

In 2004 our can-do attitude saw us expand into training – both traditional classroom, and the rapidly developing eLearning sector. Little did we know then that this would become our main strength and focus as is it today.

In 2010, International Workplace established a state of the art training centre on Clerkenwell Road, in the heart of London's bustling legal district. The International Workplace Executive Centre has been open ever since and is our flagship training venue for face to face courses. 




International Workplace provides accredited training via classroom, blended and eLearning across the UK and Internationally.  We offer courses in NEBOSH, IOSH, IEMA, CIPD and ILM as well as a large variety of IW own branded courses.

As professionals our trainers don’t just train, they are highly experienced hands-on practitioners who are experts in their field and able to relate complex legal issues into real-life examples, which makes studying for any of our qualifications or courses much more valuable and enjoyable. 

At IW we are passionate about learning.  Our Head of Learning and Development, Heidi Thompson works closely with clients to ensure IW's training meets their needs by ensuring the highest quality and standards for content, delivery and excellent teacher standards. 

Teaching is a huge passion of ours but we also work with our customers to support businesses and enhance their organisational performance.

This can take many forms from developing competency frameworks to producing training needs analysis and helping to design and develop learning and development programs to help you understand how individuals’ learning styles differ, and to develop resources to appeal to each type.

We operate a cloud-delivered learning platform of our own, and so as well as our learning and development support we are also able to provide guidance and technical support in the areas of information security management and LMS database design.

Our passion to demystify complex information remains to this day. In fact, new technology has brought us tools to cascade learning and provide evidence of understanding at a faster rate, and a lower cost, than ever – benefits we know are greatly valued by clients who have global operations.

As we say at International Workplace: here’s to the future!™ We hope you will be a part of it.

Learning and development

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